Isn’t it fantastic!!!!! As soon as the snow melts and the temperature outside climbs over 15 Celsius, i find my self in a situation, in which I cant decide what to do first. Will I dig in the ground in my garden, shell I go on bikes, should I take my kids on a trip, or should I take part on some of the great events our small town has to offer. Sa you may know me from the past few posts – I try to combine everything possible!!!! Last weeks Dobrý Trh with feats in Svätý Jur, and this weekend the May feats and MAY JAM – which I have been looking fore (I could not get there last year, and wanted to see what it is about). Arriving to my target goal around lunch with bunch of kids and my hubby tuned out to be very pleasant. People – not to many – just the right volume for a nice atmosphere, weather – great, May Jam – marvelous!!!! It must have been my lucky day – finding my new photo bag from the 70ties – which I immediately fell in love, getting the coolest T-shirts for my girls (al 3 of them!) from Pískacie Tričká, meeting dear friends Slávka from Hogo Fogo & Janica from Jemine. Eating & drinking yummy things and just enjoying the nice day with my dear kids…………………what could I wish more for!!!! See more pictures in my FB profile!