June 13, 2012


Yes! Off I go. Ten days of exploring new worlds in front of me. I’m excited to see new places, people, food, lands. I do not know what will come in next few days, but I would love o share with all of you some thoughts about a trip I have taken with Martin (without kids!) a year ago. We have decided to take a few day trip to PortugalLisbon and the tide surrounding. I planed every single day of our 4 day trip – without knowing, if it works out the way I planed. Searching on the internet I found a accommodation. A hostel – yes – I wanted to bee between travelers again. Traveling in the past in Australia and staying in hostels was big fun – there fore this decision. I could not believe what we have found  - the Living lounge hostel in Lisbon (http://www.lisbonloungehostel.com/) a wonderful design hostel in between the historical and cultural part of Lisbon. Great place, beautify designed rooms, great people working and traveling in the hostel, marvelous dinners (9,00 EUR three course menu!!!) served by a chef, hostels own bar. I just loved it – the place, the atmosphere – everything.
We spend two days exploring Lisbon – historical town with his train and buss tour, EXPO city with unbelievable oceanarium, food, streets, tails, and Portuguese tarts (mmmmm!) - http://www.essentialkids.com.au/recipes/desserts/easy-portuguese-tarts-20111018-1lv0h.html.
We have chosen the day tree for Sintra and other great places around Lisbon. I have decided to choose a travel agency with a very tempting name We hate tourists tours (http://wehatetourismtours.com/)  - our tour guide Pedro became a friend of us in a very short time….and gave au great tips what to see and where to go on our last day in Lisbon. We rented a car and went up north from Lisbon to Ericeira and surrounded beaches. Amazing feeling……………………..well I  could write pages about it…..hope the pictures tell a lot about it J…………….see you all in 10 days!!!!


  1. waw.. pekné momenty, mám tu dosť veľa favoritov ,)
    ty, inak obdivujem ťa aj za fakt, že zdielaš takto svoj život.. teda nemyslím na zneužitie, ja sem chodím pretože mám rád tvoje príbehy a ostatní zrejme tak isto, ale ja by som to nedokázal asi..
    vskutku kvalitný príspevok..

  2. super fotky!ja som sa vratila pred tyzdnom po 2a pol tyzdni v Portugalsku a som nadsena, vlastne som si zamilovala Lisabon a aj cely sever
