February 01, 2013


Tinka & her handstands!

Mia´s favorite Monsterhigh skating girl :)

Shopping at the grocery store :)

Shot from the Bratislava castle.

Blue glasses in IKEA.

Cleaning up the X-mass!

Mia & her headlight :)


I have to admit – I had something against the Apple family for a long time. Then few months ago, I decided to buy I Pad (really useful for work and traveling). But still I tried to resist to I phones. By the end of year my old Nokia switched on for the last time …..I have changed this phone for a new one – Nokia smart phone – as there is no way you may get a normal phone these days without touch screenJ. After only few weeks I had to fight with this “crap” phone of mine (it started to freeze, turn of, was not able to switch it on for hours….and plenty of other stuff!). I had to decide – and as I have been quit e happy with my I pad I decided to switch to the software I knew - Apple! I have been with Nokia since high school, and did not want to search in the endless varieties of software on the market. And why do I write about all this?  I would not change my I phone for anything else today! Since I found out, that I may shoot pictures and catch up the moments in my life in a minute, I became a new person. It does not mean I would change my Canon for it – but it is a nice way how to click the shots, even if I do not have my lovely camera with me! I can catch the time anytime I want……big fun!

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